2014年3月6日 星期四






有人可能扭曲張德正的行動是恐怖的。恐怖主義是以系統地使用暴力(恐怖)作為脅迫政治目的的一種手段。在國際社會,恐怖主義已經沒有法律約束力,刑法的定義。恐怖主義的共同定義,僅指那些製造恐懼(恐怖)暴力行為;為一個宗教,政治目標或意識形態,故意忽視非戰鬥人員(平民)的安全。 當我們研究了張德正的動機,他計劃執行的動作方式,我們知道張德正沒有意思傷害到任何人,而是一個政治抗議。無論我們的政治觀點是如何,我們需要了解這個人的觀點和他抗議的目標。




 我們呼籲大家支持張德正的言論自由和人權 。讓我們聽到你支持張德正和他的家人的聲音!



Formosan Association for Human Rights (FAHR - USA)
First Statement on Cheng De-Cheng Incident
January 31, 2014

Dear friends of Taiwan,

We, in the Formosan Association for Human Rights, are very concerned about the incident of Chang De-Cheng (張德正) who rammed a truck into the “presidential office” in Taipei on January 25, 2014. We notice that this is not the first incident as it happened before. 

The reason of Chang's action was to protest against the ROC and Ma's injustice. The link below shows Chang's own words that verify his thoughts on overthrowing the "government" as merely a personal expression through a non-violent way but aggressive.

Someone may paint Chang De-Cheng’s (張德正) action as a terrorist. Terrorism is the systematic use of violence (terror) as a means of coercion for political purposes. In the international community, terrorism has no legally binding, criminal law definition. Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror); are perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal; and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians). As we studied his motive and the way he planned to execute the action, we came to the conclusion that he means no harm to anyone but a political protest. No matter what our political views are, we need to understand this person’s view point toward his target of protest. 

Furthermore, we urge all concerned parties to respect Chang De-Cheng’s human rights and protect his freedom of expression. From the view point of a Taiwan Independence supporter, the damage of a building could be repaired but not the loss of a nation’s sovereignty.  From the above definition, all the words and actions of Chang De-Cheng (張德正), we believe Chang is not a terrorist. He deserves the protection under The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN.

All human rights are indivisible, whether they are civil and political rights, such as the right to life, equality before the law and freedom of expression; economic, social and cultural rights, such as the rights to work, social security and education, or collective rights, such as the rights to development and self-determination, are indivisible, interrelated and interdependent. The improvement of one right facilitates advancement of the others. Likewise, the deprivation of one right adversely affects the others. 

It seems to be high time for the people of Taiwan to re-exam whether the Republic of China (ROC) is dragging Taiwan into a point of no return. Is the ROC surrendering Taiwanese sovereignty and human rights to the People’s Republic of China?
We urge you to support the freedom of expression and human rights of Chang De-Cheng (張德正).  Let us hear your voice in the support of Chang De-Cheng (張德正) and his family!

May God Bless Taiwan!

Truly yours,
David Hung, President  



2個星期前,全美台灣人權協會發表了有關張德正事件的第一個聲明後 (下附),中華台北(中華民國在台灣) 的馬政權己決定起訴張德正,並求償新台幣300萬元,理由是張德正在2014125日駕駛一輛卡車撞進總統府破壞 “古蹟 

從第一聲明中的分析,全美台灣人權協會相信張德正不是恐怖分子。 因此,張先生應該獲得聯合國的世界人權宣言的保護。

全美台灣人權協會再次呼籲大家關切張德正自由表達不滿的行動和他的基本人權。讓我們將這消息傳送到全世界。正如我們所料,馬政權已開始使用各種手段來對付張德正。 其實張德正除了他個人身體的傷害以外,並沒有傷害任何人的動機。因此, 我們認為,「 300萬新台幣的損害賠償,應該由馬英九和國民黨支付」。馬英九和他的政黨應負起激怒台灣人的責任。我們相信馬政權和中國對話時,就是在出賣台灣的主權,並且故意忽略人民生活困苦的問題,不顧台灣人民的意願,加速傾向中國。如今馬政權採取嚴厲的懲罰方式來處理張德正事件,就如緣木求魚,本末倒置。馬政權已經是個極不受歡迎的政權。若不懸崖勒馬,更激烈的衝突和反抗將會再發生。

親愛的朋友,此刻張德正的家人正面臨著非常艱苦困難的時期。我們希望您能慷慨解囊,幫助張德正的家人渡過難關。也希望我們的呼籲對有關馬政權侵犯台灣人權的事實能引起世界的關注。張德正事件就是馬政權侵犯台灣人權的最顯著的例子── 剝奪台灣人民基本的民族自決權。


2403 Millikin Dr. 
Arlington, TX76012

在備忘錄區域請寫:張德正 (Chang De-Cheng) 

Truly yours,

David Hung, President

Formosan Association for Human Rights USA (FAHR-USA)
Second Statement on Cheng De-Cheng Incident
February 16, 2014

Dear friends of Taiwan,

Since the first FAHR-USA statement attached below was released over 2 weeks ago, the Ma regime of the Chinese Taipei (a/k/a Republic of China on Taiwan) decided to sue for NT$3 million for the damage of the “presidential office building” against Chang De-Cheng (張德正) who rammed a truck into the “presidential office” in Taipei on January 25, 2014. 

We believe Chang is not a terrorist from the analysis in the first statement. As said in the statement below, Mr. Chang deserves the protection under The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN. 

Once again, we urge you to support the freedom of expression and human rights of Chang De-Cheng (張德正). Let us send a message to the world that Ma regime has been waging wars to assault the Human Rights of an individual who protested in an unusual way and hurt no one physically except himself. The message is: This damage claim of NT$3 Million should be paid by Ma Eng-jeo himself and the KMT party, because he and his party are responsible for upsetting the people of Taiwan including Chang De-Cheng. We believe by betraying the sovereignty (if there is such thing exists today) of his own Republic of China and of a future Taiwan Nation in dealing with the real China, Ma is cooking a pot of boiling oil. Instead of looking into WHY “his own” people are so FRUSTRATED to take such an extreme action, the “government” is taking punishing actions to stop future similar incidents. We can only predict deeper dissent and counter-productive results derived from this already extremely unpopular administration’s policies.

By your generous support through voice and donation will not only help Mr. Chang’s family in this difficult times, but also arouse the attention of the world to the violations of human rights in Taiwan by the Ma administration and his authority’s base, “the office of Chinese Taipei”. That is the utmost extreme case of human rights perpetration – depriving the people of Taiwan from the basic human rights of self-determination.  

Your donation could pay to the order of FAHR - USA and sent to: 

2403 Millikin Dr.,
Arlington, TX 76012

At the MEMO area please write: Chang De-Cheng (張德正)

Truly yours,
David Hung, President

